Hey friends! I want to tell you a little bit about my non-slip hair ties! I use them every single day, I NEVER use the black basic hair ties anymore. (with the exception of a bun!)
Why I love tele-ties!
Teleties have changed my life… I kid you not. Sounds dramatic but I promise! I have “thick fine hair” I have fine hair but a ton of strands, my hair is also really soft… not ideal for the regular hair ties. My hair would always just slip right out even walking, it was ridiculous.
I made the switch about a year ago to the old school telephone cord, hair ties. However, I just bought a couple from a local boutique, I’m pretty sure it cost me about 50 cents apiece. They stretched in a matter of minutes so may pony would get loose and slip out!
I came across Teleties on Instagram summer of 2018 and decided to give them a try, they come in a TON of cute colors and are affordable.
They do stretch out but if you put them next to heat like a blowdryer on the high hot setting, or I like putting them in a cup of hot water. I warm the water in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, then dump all of the Teleties in the water! It’s like magic they go back to the original size!
I prefer the small size but I sleep with the large size in every single night I love them!! They don’t crease my hair unless I wrap the small ones in 3x! I keep them everywhere they are in my car, in my wallet, my travel bag, makeup bag EVERYWHERE!
sunset gold (my most worn)
check out my post on basic tee shirts here